Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer, Summer, Summertime!

It's the first day of summer! Summer doesn't actually begin until 1:16 pm (who knew there was an exact start time??) but I'm ready for it. I've been ready. I'm actually considering switching professions to become a teacher for the sole benefit of summers off. Okay, not really but summers off would be nice.

I like to have lots of summer related things to do. Last year I was able to make that happen somewhat. It is my goal every year to have tons of pictures of summer fun. When I was much younger, we didn't really do much over the summer. While my brother and I were out of school my parents still had to work so most of the time we stayed with my grandma who spent her days watching soap opera's, the price is right, and sometimes cooking- that's not much fun for a 5 and 10 year old. Weekends were pretty much the mundane- grocery shopping, laundry, and housework...blah! The only constant was our August family reunion, which we looked forward to every year, but it also signalled the end of summer. One year we lived it up and went to Disney (I really need to tell you about our trip to Disney one day. No  one will EVER forget those antics!) So as soon as I got old enough I've made it a point to have fun during the summer. Last year I did most of the planning for summer fun. I choose day trips that don't require too much money (I've become a budgetnista!). Our trips last year included $1 night at the Meadowlands fair, a day trip to Philadelphia's Taste of Philly and while we were there we stopped at the Mint, and we visited with a few of my husband's friends who live out of state. Unfortunately, those two events are on the same day this year which happens to be this weekend and we can't go :( We can't go for good reason (I'll be sure to explain later) so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for more free/inexpensive day trip events in July.

What are your plans (big or small) for this summer?

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