Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

So, Friday was my last day half-day at work according to the summer schedule posted by my job- so I thought. I went to the doctor that afternoon because- I needed to know what was going on with my body and the baby. While everything checked out okay- she put me on a reduced work schedule for now. So now every day is a half day! This is really good because I feel like I'll be more focused to do more tasks both at home and at work.

Saturday was a day I had been waiting for and just last week I anxiously awaited Saturday even more! First we had a scheduled 3D/4D ultrasound. O boy! I could not contain my excitement from the day I made the appointment. I remember running around my friends house in Illinois (which I realized that I didn't go into great detail about) making sure everyone was going to be available to come- yep it was that type of party. We spent so much time bothering this little one we were able to see that baby has dimples! Although now I think we spent so much time trying to wake baby up- s/he will get us back when baby is outside the belly.
After which we had a few things to do including looking at a house that will be for sale soon. My husband's good friend knows the family that is selling it and they wanted us to get the first look to see if we would be interested before the 'general public'. I didn't feel comfortable taking pictures to show you all because a) they were in the process of setting it up for an estate sale they are having next week or so b) you really wouldn't have been able to get the gist of the home and c) I'm sure it would have looked really weird.

Then came the really fun stuff... dinner with the family! My dad's birthday celebration continued with a limo ride into 'The City'

My mom took this- not that it's bad mom it's just that the door is open :/

We ate a family favorite seafood restaurant and it was I was still slacking on my picture taking duties and my mom basically took charge of the camera for the night (thank god- even though I tease her incessantly about it).

I love food *sigh*

Crab legs, lobster, shrimp, ribs, onion rings, rice... heavenly.

We stayed at my parents house until 2 am laughing, joking, eating, and just having fun. On Sunday, I stayed home. The weather was crappy, the baby was heavy, and I just couldn't get myself together. When i finally did come around I was able to get a little bit of housework done. Hubby continued to work on the baby's nursery in the process discover more problems :/

We are getting so close to baby's due date and I never thought I could be excited and nervous at the same time! I can't wait to see what next weekend brings :D


  1. Oh, I miss seafood! There is no ocean nearby here, so I refuse to order it! That looks so good. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. R! You sure did party like a rockstar, complete with limo and all!

  2. Thank you ebony birthday week was grate family treated me real good for my double5


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