Wednesday, May 1, 2013

250 words

My friend TOI recently told me about a writing prompt series that Jenni was hosting. Because life is so insane right now, I didn't think I would be able to commit to something that required my attention everyday. But nonetheless here I am doing day 1. Jenni created the blog everyday in May challenge. I am not making any promises because the last time I tried to do this I ended up skipping a few days. 

Day 1, Wednesday: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)
I have a pretty bad memory. Horrible in fact. Without my phone, I would forget everything- I barely know my husband’s cell phone number by heart. I think this is the driving force behind my love of photography.

I only have bits and pieces of snippets of childhood memories. I originally thought my earliest memory is from being about 6 years old and waiting to take a test at a private school my parents were trying to get me into. However now that I think more about it I remember getting my fingers crushed in the doorway of our house one summer. It was the house we lived in before the home my parents live in now which I would come to know as my childhood home. My dad was outside probably doing yard work or something and the outside door was one of the kinds that automatically close behind you. Clearly, I wasn't paying attention. I should have been.

Okay, so this isn't necessarily my life story, but it’s the point where I remember my life beginning.  And that is where my life story would start… right?

I unfortunately do not have what I consider to be an “interesting “life story but it’s my story nonetheless. It was filled with ups and downs but mostly love. I had a great extended family, forming bonds with all 4 of my grandparents until 2005 when my maternal grandmother died. My maternal grandfather didn't last two months without her. I am grateful for what my life story consists of thus far and plan to enjoy “writing” the rest of it.
267 words. Link-up #319. Yep I counted. Nope, it wasn't a paragraph  That's not bad considering when I woke up this morning I had no idea what I was going to write let alone if I was going to participate at all. If you are here from the link-up I hope you will stay awhile and let me know you were here!


  1. I really love this idea of a link up. I'm learning so much from my blogger friends !

  2. I am so happy you are doing it. I love how you managed to remember so much. I dont know if I did it right or not but I just wrote what my heart was pushing me to right and I am glad you did the same.

    I love the fact that jenni doesn't make a rigid rules, you can write all the month or as many days as you can :)

  3. Just checking if i posted my comment

  4. That's so sweet that your grandfather followed your grandmother. It must have been hard to lose both of them, but I always love hearing stories like that.

  5. I have a horrible memory too! It actually got worse when I became pregnant. My short term memory is horrific. As for my life story; it's actually quite interesting and very dramatic. It's been crazy, sad, great, challenging, frustrating, difficult, etc. Ah, you got to love life ;o) Anyhow, hope you have a wonderful Thursday :o)


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