Monday, January 8, 2018

January 2017

This is my recap of the first my month of the LAST year. Yes, 2017.

We bought in the new year with friends as we normally do. I remember being so exhausted and just wanting to get home to my babies and in the bed.

We spent the first weekend of the new year back home in Jersey. I almost never pass up a chance to go to Jersey.  My oldest went to a friend's party while I attended the funeral of a baby from my church. It was incredibly heart breaking and I wish no parent ever had to bury a child. The party was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle party at a karate school. It was my son's first intro to karate and he loved it! he even got to break a board and he was absolutely floored when he did it!

I also hit my second trimester with baby #3. I'll have to cover more on that later but here's a gratuitous belly shot.

Hubby is a Green Bay Packers fan, therefore we are all Green Bay Packer fans. They were making their way through the finals so we all had to go out representing. My husband is serious about team mojo and nearly freaked out when I took my sweatshirt off (hello- hot pregnant woman over here!). Of course not soon after they had a fumble or something or another and I immediately had to put it back on. I just went and got a fan. 

We also took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. We go about once every two years so the last time I went I was pregnant with my second. My oldest was super happy about going- the youngest was just along for the ride.

We also had unusually warm weather so we took full advantage with a park date...

But that didn't last long at ALL...

We also started gymnastics! It was her absolutely favorite. She always knew exactly when was gymnastics day too. In the sweetest little voice she would ask me for 'nastics?!

The bonus about taking so long to update your blog is that you get to relive some of the best memories which had become long forgotten.

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1 comment:

  1. I love these quick little updates! I want to breathe life back into my blog as well...MAYBE I'll follow your lead.


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