Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween 2016

I'm actually a little shocked that I am able to not only post our Halloween recap but I'm doing it in a timely manner. And between you and I-this is currently my stress reliever. Life is pretty crazy for me right now and although my to-do list is about 5 miles long, I have to take a few minutes and regroup.

What better way to put a smile on my face (and possibly clear my mind) but to talk about how much fun we had!

The day started out crazy. My husband had been out of time for a few days and was supposed to get back in Sunday evening but his flight was canceled (after a lot of song and dance) due to weather related issues. Unfortunately, airlines aren't super helpful when this happens and just results in a lot of stress. But the good news is- he made it home... safely. Not to mention, both of us had failed to buy candy (although it was on my to-do list) and needed to make that happen as well. We briefly discussed our plan for the evening which involved take out and  our divide and conquer technique earlier that afternoon so we could make the most of the evening. After work we made it home in record time with food and kids in tow and immediately had dinner. By 6 pm I had the kids dressed in their costumes and begging to go out trick-or-treating.

Halloween Jammies cause... cuteness!

I love to dress up to match my son and usually have a hard time pulling it off (it's hard to find non over the top adult Halloween costumes) and this year was no different. However, I decided this year to just go with it and surprised my son with a complimenting costume. He was amazed!

I present to you Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Bumblebee...

This is the first year I attempted a homemade costume. And let me tell you- it'll be my last. So much so that I didn't even pull this one off. I had to enlist hubby cause this was way more complicated than I bargained for. The thing is- my son was Optimus Prime last year but he was the party city version, which if you are not the parent (or relative) of robots in disguise loving little kids you would look at that costume and go "what are you?!" We got that a lot last year and quite frankly it was annoying. Not that I fault anyone at all (because let's be real the costume is about as ambiguous as it gets) but y'all not gonna treat my baby like that! You're gonna look at him and know what he is dressed up as! So when I asked him what he wanted to be and he chose Optimus Prime again- I knew I had some work ahead of me. I scoured the internet for months (i'm not exaggerating) with no real clear instructions on how to make this happen. There are bits of info here and there but no real good step-by-step instructions. Anyway- here is the outcome. He loved it!

I didn't get any pictures while we actually trick-or-treated because my arms were full helping Optimus navigate steps and making sure my 1 year old didn't run away. But they had fun nonetheless. I do wish I was able to get more pictures but you win some, you lose some. My son's costume also won first place for most original in our town annual Halloween contest- he was super excited to win!

Last but not least I have to give a mention to my brother and his friends for their costume. I think the totally nailed it. Someone alert Rev. Run  to this awesomeness!

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  1. OK. Hands down you win costume of the year! Seriously! You all look awesome! Did your hubby get dressed too? I couldn't get the video to load :(

  2. Thanks For the shoutout! :)


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