Monday, February 29, 2016

Happy Leap Day!!

We get an extra day this year! I was gonna use this as an opportunity to say something motivational like we get an extra day to tell someone you love them, let go of the negativity, etc. But who am I kidding- this motivated mamma is out of motivation. My beautiful baby girl still isn't sleeping through the night :-(

But since I do get an extra day this year- I decided to make it day to post something on my neglected blog. I really do love this space but it's seriously crazy how time gets the best of you. And that to a crapped out computer and 4 months will pass by before you know it.

So enjoy your extra day this year! even if it is a dreaded Monday!

okay, okay- I had to include some kind of motivational quote.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

It's my blogiversay!!!

4 years ago (yesterday) I decided to start documenting my journey. Since then I've grown from a first time mama to be to now a mama of two of the best children in the world!

I've really enjoyed my time in this space and I'd like to keep it up . But as you know life gets in the way. I plan on publishing some posts here and there in the coming weeks (but no promises).

Just like every year I'm linking back to my first post where it all began. Then marvel in the fact of how much I've grown. Happy Blogiversary to me!

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