Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Butter Zones

The other day Baby Center posted one of their blog articles on Twitter regarding airlines and the use of peanuts in relation to food allergies. The author posed a very interesting question of 'should peanuts be allowed on airplanes'? The article itself was a good read and it got me thinking. When it comes to these types of articles I'm sometimes more interested in jumping straight to the comments.

I've learned a great deal from other moms and the 'mom community' so I thought for sure this would be controversial. I even learned what the heck a butter zone was (in mom speak). I've been fortunate not to have deathly food allergies- in fact I'm not aware of anyone (in my circle) who is THAT allergic to food. Which brings me to my POV.

If I had to comment on that post it probably would have went something like this:

"I'm not opposed to airlines no longer serving peanuts for the sake of potential child passenger who may have a severe allergy but I probably would still be a part of the problem because I tend to bring my own snacks (not just on planes but where ever I go) and it always include peanut M&M's. They are my fav!!! As I type this post I have a bag right in front of me. While butter zones are not of my immediate concern -because peanut allergies do not affect me or my family- I am concerned with (what seems to me) the high incidences of autism, ADHD, severe food allergies, and things of the like."

I've seen responses like "it only seems higher because advanced technology allows doctors to better diagnose" Or a lot of things went undiagnosed because of less access to medical professionals. While both those statements are true- I'm not buying it as 'the full story'.

As a pregnant woman you are advised not to eat peanuts. Then as a mom you are advised not to introduce peanuts to your child for their first year- sometimes longer! I took an informal poll of moms in my family and while most of them don't remember when exactly they gave their child/children peanut products for the first time- they didn't necessarily withhold it for a predefined amount of time. None of those children have food allergies. And I get it - my small non random sample shouldn't be the basis for the rest of the population (or exception to the rule) but again- I'm not buying it.

Other hypothesis include the increased consumption of processed foods and lack of exercise.  I'm really concerned about the children being diagnosed with ADHD and then given medication to "control" it. I'm concerned that video games have replaced 'mother, may I', 'red light, green light' and 'playing house'. I'm concerned for my child and his well being, growth, and development. Of course I am going to play my part and do all I can to ensure that he is healthy. Overall I think there is something deeper going on, something that has gone madly wrong and I hope that answer is found cause I'm scared.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Show and Tell Monday's

Today, I’m linking up with Becky’s Show and tell. She’s no stranger on this blog! I love her link ups!  I'm really trying to get back into the swing of writing before I disappear again so you may see an insane amount of link-up posts.

1.     Tell us your favorite baby names? Aside from your own babies, if you have some :)

I’m trying hard not to reveal my son’s name (or mine for that matter) on here. I have a bad feeling it may come back to haunt me one day. I know readers feel more connected with bloggers when you know what to call them but I’m just not ready. So, I won’t be sharing his government name here but I will tell you some of my faves that will probably never be used by us.





 2.     Show me your "dream" nursery {can be your baby's nursery or one that you love}

This is our inspiration room.

I absolutely LOVE the nursery we were able to recreate from my inspiration room. I am so sorry we have to leave it behind and we won’t be able to recreate it again at our new place. If we ever get another that may be my go to nursery design.

This is how it turned out. LOVE.

3.     How many children would you like to have? How far apart?


I don’t think I've ever said this out load before but I’d like to have 4- 2 boys and 2 girls. Since I know it would never happen that way we aren't even going to shoot for 4 but I think it would be nice for each of my children to have a brother and a sister. My brother and I are super close and I wouldn't dream of changing that for the world. However, there are days where I miss having a sister.

4.     Tell us what you think the importance of parenting is?

I most certainly have not written the book on parenting and most days I feel like I’m still trying to figure that out. I am a year into this and there are days where I feel like I really could be mom of the year and days where I feel like I completely suck and my son is going to hate me for the rest of his life. When I'm having a rough day and things to not be going right I try to remember this- it doesn't always work but I give it a shot:


5. Show us your favorite newborn photo {can be your children or random}

I love this pic! I heart tiny little baby feet. I tried to recreate this with my baby and to kick it up a notch I placed hubby and my wedding rings on his little toes. That didn't quite work out because he kept curling his little toes. He still does that to this very day. It's very interesting when you try to put shoes on his feet.

My little guy has his toes curled so tight that his toes are blanching and you can't even see my wedding band! It's hidden on his left foot, lol!

6.  Tell us some things you promise to never do as a parent {and if you are a parent, did you stick to it}

I'm still too new to have a real answer for this. I think one of the things that I vowed not to do is let time slip us by. It's really important to me that my children know the meaning of family and family time and have some awesome childhood memories to go along with it. I don't want them to be at a point in their life when they are married with their own children and ask "mom, why didn't we do this?!"

If you're here from Becky's link up let me know by leaving a comment, I'd love to return the favor :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

We're moving!

First, you already know this because you've been helping me out. Okay, so I know you are thinking well that's no big deal. Well, it kinda is... for me. So where do I start?

And yes, I know- this post has been a long time coming.

the beginning

My hubby has been looking to make a career move for sometime now. He's been applying for jobs on and off for close to 2 years now. Whenever he would see a posting he would run it by me and sometimes apply for the job, sometimes not. Most of the ones he applied for he would go on the interview when called. At his level the interviewing process actually starts with a phone interview then if they like you they invite you for an in-person interview and so on. So when he applied for this job I really didn't give it too much thought. He had been offered quite a few jobs and turned them down (for differing reasons).

The night before his phone interview our son had a particularly troubling night. He didn't want to go down at all! And when he did he would wake within minutes! Before we knew it, it was after midnight and hubby was PISSED because he hadn't had a chance to prepare for the phone interview. I tried to be supportive but I thought "really? it's just a phone interview! it can't be that bad!". I know he's my husband and all but he has a really good personality and I really didn't think he would do that bad. How much can people really gather via phone?? The next day I texted him for some miscellaneous reason and he reminded me that he was about to start the interview. So, I wished him good luck and went about my business. After it was over, he called me and I immediately knew it wasn't good. First, he called back relatively quickly. Second, you know that first few seconds after "hello" that can totally change the direction of a phone conversation- well those few seconds gave it away. He said he bombed it. I felt bad. I knew he was distracted the night before with our son. I genuinely felt bad- not so much because he was dealing with our son, but because he sounded pretty interested in this job.

Not too long after that (maybe 2 or so weeks later) he called me to tell me that he was invited for an in person interview! (See, I knew it!) I was so happy for him but quickly reminded him that I was right :) He of course brushed that off and told me he wants 'us' to come with him. WHAT?! I've never gone on an interview with him before. He wanted us to go and take a look at the area because we would be a part of the decision to make the move or not. I was excited- I mean come on... this is exciting! So I obliged. I packed up the baby and headed out with my hubby.

the call

In the meantime, hubby had put in a few application at a couple of more local places but they were all dragging their feet. One day just as I arrived to work and turned on my computer I get a call from the hubby. I was kind of scared because I hadn't left the house too long ago (we work about 3 miles from where we live) and he had dropped the baby off with the sitter. I was praying they were all right and this wasn't a you need to come now phone call. He didn't calm my fears when he answered the phone it went something like this

Me: "Hello"
Him: "Uhhhh"
Me: "WHAT?! are you guys okay???"
Him: "So, Um..."
Me: "Spit it out! Where are you?!!"

He was still in shock himself trying to find the words to say- 'I've been offered the postion'. I congratulated him and refrained myself from saying 'i told you so' yet again. I really was happy for him. He worked hard to obtain that job offer and quite frankly I was impressed. I got off the phone and headed back to my desk only to have my phone ring again right away.

Him: "So they called me back and offered me more money"
Me: "WHAT?! You're kidding!"
Him: "nope. They told me that after he got off the phone with me he received an email from HR and told him the max they could offer for the position. He didn't feel like haggling back and forth so he just offered me that."
Me: "okay, that's great!"
Him: "It's an insane amount of money."
Me: #dead

After he told me what they offered him I immediately knew two things 1) we were moving 2) I couldn't let him down by telling him that I didn't want to move. I actually shed tears. Tears of joy. I couldn't believe this was happening. This was happening- we were saying 'peace out' to everything we wanted to change about our lives- our 3 bedroom apartment, noisy neighbors, 20 minute 3 mile commutes (yea, we complained about that). Now, how was I going to tell my mom & dad. This was going to be hard.

In actuality it took us a week to decide on what I already knew. Truth be told, I am disappointed to leave my church, dance class, and my immediate family. On the other hand in all honesty it's only 3 hours away. So, I won't be stopping by dinner on a Tuesday night just because, but I won't miss every single family and church function either.

And then, I have to find a new job- I HATE looking for jobs.

the decision

So, while we were celebrating my friend's wedding weekend we were at the day after barbecue and we had the conversation right there- over a plate of ribs and pasta salad. Hubby was confident in us making the move reassuring me that while I would be away from my 'comfort zone' that zone wasn't very far away. So I agreed. I knew I couldn't say no. If I did I would be pissed all summer long while my neighbors were blasting their music, every time someone at my job aggravated me, and every time I looked at my son knowing I may delayed him getting a better life. Hubby got up form the table and made the call. Then I kind of cried. I mean this is big stuff here!

the details

This has been the hardest part. Hubby started his new position in July, I'm still working and living in our "old job/house". this is for a couple of reasons. First, his new job only provided him with temporary housing- very temporary... as in 6 weeks. Yea, that's bananas. So I wasn't going to cart the baby up there to live in on-campus housing for 6 weeks then move again. Hubby's new insurance doesn't kick in for 2 months so because our baby is still going for frequent well visits he needed to be covered. And of course I can add part time single mommy to my list- no biggie! So, I stayed and kept working for insurance purposes while hubby found us a place to live and commuted home on weekends. It has been a challenge to say the least. Thank God for FaceTime! We've made it work so far but i can't wait until this is done! I give a lot of props to my hubby. While I may be taking the brunt of the work with the baby, I know he feels helpless after I send him a text that the baby puked all over me and him 30 minutes after I gave him his nighttime bath. He wants to be with us and we want him there! He's done an excellent job finding us a great place to live (can't wait to share with you guys which house we choose!!) and getting our new life started in a new location.

I'm sure I left out something but that info will get thrown in here and there as I get the opportunity to blog more and more (hopefully) because I have yet to find a job and I have resigned to being a stay at home mom (more details to follow). Lastly, I'm sorry this post contains absolutely no pictures- I know really long posts with no pictures suck!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WW: Gerber

 2 weeks ago I was supposed to enter this photo in the Gerber Baby photo contest but I caught a case of Mommy brain and went to submit the picture on 8/28 but the deadline was 8/26. I'm kind of sour about it too because I think he could have made it to the next round- what do you think?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

8, 9, 10, 11 months

How am I going to be a blogger, blogging about my journey through motherhood and I forget these oh so important updates. I'm sliding this is just before the big 12 month update!

Never fear! I've still been writing letters to my son- just not here. I know that's whack but I don't have the free time on my hands like I used to. So I'm going to get to the gist of it all. I'm liking Shannon's updates so I'll do that here and keep the sappy stuff for my son's photo book (unless of course you want the sappy stuff).

8 months                                        9 months                   10 months                11 months
weight                            weight              weight            weight
20+ pounds                                    ~21 pounds               22+ pounds            ~23 pounds

Height                           Height              Height             Height

29 inches                                      29 inches                  29 inches                  29 inches

clothing size                clothing            clothing          clothing
9 months                                     12 months                  12 months                 12 months

Diapers                         Diapers             Diapers            Diapers
Size: 3 or 4                                Size: 3 or 4               Size: 3 or 4               Size: 3 or 4

Food                             Food                   Food                       Food
Mostly purees.                     I’m finding it difficult      Everything- much           Still eating everything.
I’m not a fan of jarred         to find food options to      to my dismay- he            Although an illness
baby food but keeping        feed him. I feel like my     eats all table food           kind of slowed down
up with making our             options are limited as       He has transitioned         his eating for a few
own food is proving           we transition to more        to suing a sippy cup        days. I've been trying
to be hard with the              table food. I'm fighting a   at dinner and it was       to keep him away from
busy lifestyle we lead-       losing battle. One thing I   no problem at all! He     the high allergen foods
which is why they              can say is he will try         still continues to like       but I found out that he
make jarred baby               anything you give him.      to feed  himself.              has had peanut butter
food!                                   He doesn't dislike             Gerber to the rescue        already. I absent-
                                            anything you give him     again! The make a          mindedly gave him
                                            for the first time.             pretty good line of           strawberries on more
                                                                                    foods designed to            than one occasion and
                                                                                    teach how to bite             eggs have been a part
                                                                                   and chew (although          of his breakfast diet for
                                                                                   chewing was NEVER      about 2 weeks! I kind of
                                                                                   this baby’s problem          figured he wouldn't
                                                                                                                             have an allergic
                                                                                                                             reaction at first- I'm
                                                                                                                             more worried about
                                                                                                                             developing one.

hair, teeth, eyes      hair, teeth, eyes    hair, teeth, eyes       hair, teeth, eyes
his hair is growing!           and his hair continues     I think his eyes are              He's up to about 5
You would never               to grow!                          getting darker but                teeth! He had a low 
know this baby had           Someone asked when      the color still changes        grade fever for about
cradle cap! He’s still         will we cut it and I'm        depending on what's         4 days and I attributed
rocking 2 top teeth            thinking never!                 reflecting off his eyes.      it to the fact that he has
and his eye color               I love his curls :)              Whenever he wears            about 3 or 4 coming in
is still a mystery.                                                        yellow or is in a yellow    at once.
                                                                                   room his eyes are green!
sleep                         sleep                     sleep                         sleep

I’m not getting any.          I must do something        It's hit or miss. Sometimes  I'm starting to get
                                         about this situation,          he goes down easily and      some night where he
                                        fast! I've officially            other times he doesn't. I'm    is sleeping through
                                        stopped rocking him         not giving up- I need some  the night. Problem is
                                        to sleep. He just doesn't    sleep and less bed time        I go to bed too late to
                                        seem to  be able to get       fights.                                  enjoy it. :(
                                       comfy any more. So
                                       we are done. I loved
                                       rocking him as a newbie
                                       but it has turned more
                                       into a jazzercise routine.

talking                talking                      talking                 talking

He still uses basic           He's definitely talking in        I'm pretty sure                This boy is in
syllables. I                      sentences they are just not      he once told my             love with his
can make out                  coherent. Whenever we          Aunt to 'stop'                  pacifier! I'm
mama and dada.              are in the car- he always        she was aggravating       trying to get
                                        chats it up with me! Just         him for one reason         everyone to
                                         don't interrupt him in the      or another and thats        understand that
                                         middle of a story.                  when he told her to         he doesn't need
                                                                                       stop. It was pretty           it in his mouth
                                                                                       funny but he hasn't         24/7. I think the less
                                                                                       done it since.                   he has it the more he
                                                                                                                              can practice talking.

So, the countdown to one is officially on! I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean of course I want my child to grow and thrive and be healthy but I miss his baby cuddles. I remember his newborn days fondly. Although at times sleep deprivation was a killer, I enjoyed things like laying him on my chest, little baby body parts and just basking in his awesomeness. I still get to do some of those things (like kiss his baby toes) but I see him growing and taking shape into his own person.

With the countdown to his first birthday also comes the countdown to his first birthday party. I love party planning and I am a planner by nature so I am enjoy putting together all of the little details- I'm just hoping I will have the time and sanity to pull it all together!