Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

Snow Day!

While we were leaving for our Christmas vacation away from our house, it was snowing. It was snowing pretty hard too. While we were away, my husband kept track of the snowfall and by time we got back about 20 inches had fallen! But it didn't stop. It snowed a little everyday for the next 4 days thereafter! It wasn't really a big deal though- the streets remained plowed and no businesses, schools, or workplaces closed for inclement weather.

My son received a cute sled for Christmas from his Aunt & Uncle. So I took advantage of the awesome Christmas gift and the never ending snowfall and we headed out for our first day of play in the snow :) And this ladies and gentlemen is why I love being a stay at home mom.

I suited him up in his brand new snowsuit- but not before putting 4 layers of clothes on underneath that... I didn't want my baby to get cold. The boots were a struggle. Normally he helps when putting on shoes of any kind- but not this time. One of his boots may or may not have been on all the way. Once we headed outside he spent a couple of minutes trying out his new gear. I think the boots were a little different for him.

I put him on the sled and pulled him up and down the block. The giggles were amazing! You would have thought he was on a world class ride at an amusement park. He would stick his arm or leg out and try to drag in through the snow right along with the sled. It was the cutest thing ever. After my back started hurting ( I really need to figure out a way to make the pull string longer) I let him go exploring. Touching, tasting, feeling, and being in the snow. It was like he met a new friend!

And because I don't think there will be a shortage of snow around these parts- I'm definitely looking forward to doing this again and again :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Chi-Chi!!!

Today is my cousin's 17th birthday!!! I can't believe she's 17 already- I remember my Aunt being pregnant with her and me eagerly awaiting her arrival.

For 12 years I was my maternal grandmother's only granddaughter. 4 boys in between. So when my aunt found out she was having a girl- I was all types of worried. I mean what princess wouldn't be worried about another little beauty encroaching on her throne?! But alas, as soon as she was born all of that went out of the window.

Over the years I've taken her in as my "daughter". We would hang out as much as possible. From chilling at home to girls day out shopping. She was my little sister. So, when I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday this year she replied "I want to visit you!". I was excited to have her (and my aunt and brother) come spend the weekend with us. Since we had a long weekend, I thought it would be perfect if they came up so it wouldn't feel rushed. My husband found the perfect thing for us do to:

Inner tubing would be a first for us all. We didn't tell her what we were doing until the day of- I also kind of forgot to tell her to bring appropriate clothing but no worries- she can fit my clothes!!

It had snowed recently, but not really enough to cover the ski lodge so it was kind of weird to be in a huge patch of snow and then look out and not see it anymore. I also didn't get as many pictures as I'd like to because I wouldn't have been able to take my camera down the tube (I mean who would want to??) and it was cold- I mean fuh-ree-zing cold- too cold to be using my trigger finger to be snapping away. However, I was able to capture a few fun moments.

I think she we had fun :) And I'd like to wish my "chi-chi" a Happy 17th Birthday!!! Who told you to turn 17?! Love you!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mish Mash

I feel as though I have a lot going on right now and am unable to put together a coherent post. Here's what I have to say:


On going back to work

I may be going back to work. Well not maybe- I am. I just don't know exactly when. Earlier this month I interviewed for a position and secured the job. I am having so many mixed feelings about this- it's unreal. On the one hand I really would like to bring home a pay check. This would help out a lot with fun things like cute new clothes and vacations. These things aren't necessities because thank God he has already provided for us.

Going back to work would give me a chance to be someone else besides a mom and a wife. As result of staying home I believe I have lost some of who I am. When my son goes to bed at night I often sit and do nothing- it's hard being a stay at home mom y'all. I often plan to do things like work on his baby book or wipe down his play mat but as soon as he goes to sleep it's a race to shower, dress, and eat in a matter of minutes.

Then there is the issue of child care. He is on the waiting list a t two places but I have yet to start interviewing any prospective nannies. I don't want just anyone to care for my child- I need to find the best childcare possible and this isn't an easy feat.

I used to be a more consistent blogger- sharing so much of me and chronicling my life to be remembered always now, I'm lucky if I can edit just one picture for Wordless Wednesday. I think going back to work will help me manage time and prioritize better. Knowing that I don't have 'all-day' to do something will definitely help me to get things done!

Even after all the pros and cons are weighed out I would miss my son terribly.

On decorating

Am I the only person not really feeling Chevron? I think if it were on my walls it'd make me dizzy. Am I weird?


On getting things done

In honor of my birthday (4 months ago) (I think I mentioned his already) I tried to put together a 30 before 30 list. It went something like this...

Thing is- I couldn't think of 30 things! I've already started ticking things off the list and getting started on the ones that take time but I really want to accomplish 30 different things... help!


On being a SAHM

There are times when being a SAHM really overwhelms me. Especially when I read about other SAHM's and their wonderful adventures with their toddler. I'm afraid to step foot in the light of day because he may have an embarrassing meltdown or I may drive 20 minutes and get where we're going only to discover he's fallen asleep in the backseat and now I don't want to wake him cause then he'll be cranky which will lead to an embarrassing meltdown.

I often wondering if I'm "doing it right". I'd like for my son to be well adjusted, smart, and fun-loving so I try to work with him on those things. When he had his 15 month well visit (at 16 months) I shared with her my concerns of 'what he knows'. He knows all his major body parts (hair, head, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, tummy, fingers, hands, arms, legs, toes, feet, privates), he can identify objects and word (with flash cards) and has an okay vocabulary. The doctor told me that I shouldn't panic if he doesn't know calculus by his next well visit, But seriously- how am I supposed to know what he should at this point?? Sometimes I feel he is at a learning disadvantage because he doesn't go to daycare. And then every once in a while I come across someone who declares how smart he is and exclaims that their similar in age fmaily member can't do that... I don't know what to do!

On boy's fashion

Why can't they make cute things like this for boys??

I enjoy dressing my little guy up (especially in themed entire on holidays- while he lets me do it) but finding these things for boys is difficult. Really makes me wish I knew how to sew.

On filing taxes

Back in 2010 the IRS allowed for deductions for breastfeeding supplies on your taxes. We've never had enough deductions to list individually but if you do and you purchased brestfeeding supplies last year (or plan to this year)- you can. Yes, that one sentance had been sitting in my drafts for a year.

Furthermore, I really dislike this time of year! My husband's alter ego makes it really difficult and I always dread the gathering of the paper work and the money it costs to pay someone to fill out the forms for you. In recent year's I've done our taxes myself and I loathe it. I can't wait for this to be done.

And here ends my mish mash of thoughts.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Strawberry cheese...cake

I like to make dessert about once a week. It gives me the opportunity to let me inner dessert diva come out AND dessert is my favorite meal of the day :) So, I present to you my take on strawberry cheese...cake.

Normally, when I bake it's not really a well thought out and put together plan. I usually decide what to make at the last minute based on whatever craving I have plus some pinspiration. That in turn often leaves me scrambling at the last minute to really pull off something presentable. I'm known for making an cake and not putting any icing on it because I didn't have the energy or ingredients to make the icing. I know, I could always use the store bought icing but call me a icing snob if you will- I don't like store bought icing and never use it.

This week my main force behind dessert was pinspired. For whatever reason the link from Pinterest was broken and when I googled the source the search results only led back to Pinterest. So I could only go on the notes included with the pin:

                                      "This was on Dr. Oz… very cool! Cake Mix + Fat-Free Greek Yogurt
                                      180 calories per serving – never baking with eggs and oil again!
                                      *Pinners Note: THIS WORKS!! 1c chobani vanilla yogurt + 1 Betty
                                      Crocker cake mix + 1c water"

I wasn't about to go researching to see if it was really on Dr. Oz or not so I just went with it. I figured if it came out bad it would be a lesson learned. Although I have seen a conversion table for Greek yogurt to ingredients that are less healthy. So I figured the cake would minimally bake- how it will taste would be determined.

So, my trusty helper and I set out on this new baking project. Since there were only 3 ingredients to the cake I didn't even pull out my stand mixer. I love that thing but sometimes I hate cleaning it. I whipped up the batter by hand which I haven't done in years and I used my 'little' cake pans so that I would be sure that it would be gone after a few slices. Popped it in the oven and let it do it's thing. When I took it out it was very light and fluffy and I could tell it was moist! I tried a few crumbs and was quite pleased with the results.

Then came my dreaded icing issue. I have a few go to icing recipes that I like but some of those take some forward thinking like room temperature butter. Well not only was my butter not room temp- it was frozen solid. I keep tons of butter in my freezer so that I know I'll have some on hand for baking. It'd be nice to give myself advanced warning as to when I'll need it so that I can let it thaw ahead of time.

Here momma use this!

I ended up using a cream cheese filling recipe as icing. Hence strawberry cheese...cake. Clever, right? Okay- you can stop laughing. After the cake cooled and it was filled, frosted, and my helper put to bed I tasted it. And... it wasn't too bad! It was in fact very moist but also very dense. I prefer light and fluffy cake but hubby- he loves dense cake so this.....

 ... was a winner. And writing this post has made several things clear to me. I'm not a good dessert planner, I really want to finish the Wilton cake decorating course, and I'm a horrible food photographer.

And my sous chef... he'll get to taste test tomorrow :)


Monday, January 14, 2013

Mind Right Monday: January

I haven't done this since the begining of Dec. I think it's fitting to do only once per month, perferably the first Monday.

Goals for this week month:

- Clean the guest bedroom from top to bottom. This is a carry over from last month.

- Walk 2 miles 3 times per week. It's a little cold out and its been snowing like crazy so this may be over ambitious.

-Do a blog post 3 times per week for the remainder of January. *Sigh*

I'm grateful for:

- My husband. He's amazing! I thank God everyday that God chose me to be his helpmate.

- My parents. They're amazing too! I had the best Christmas vacation and I owe some of that to them.

- My phone. I know this is super materialistic but it really does keep me on track with some things. The smart phone in general has been something I've always appreciated. I have apps that remind me to drink water, log my excerising (helps keep me accountable) and read my bible daily. Without it my mind is just a jumbled mess of good intentions.

-The crockpot.'Nuff said.


- Clean the guest bedroom from top to bottom. I never got to do the cleaning that I would have liked to because our move was kind of pieced together. Since this room has the least amount of items in it I think it will be easier to start here. I definitely did not. I didn't realize how much time holiday prep was going to take me, but I have no excuses now.

- Walk 1 mile in 18 minutes or less. My current record is 18 minutes 59 seconds. The longest its ever taken me to walk one mile while pushing a stroller is 31 minutes 17 seconds and that was just last week- I'm on a get fit mission! I did, I did, I did!! In fact this was the first thing I completed. I didn't walk as much as I would have liked over the Christmas break and once we got back there was so much snow on the ground I couldn't push the stroller through it. But it's melting no and I'm getting back out there!

- Read at least 2 pages in my current book. Even if this means I have to hide in the bathroom while my husband and son tough it out. I kid! It's not that bad. But I would rather read blogs or browse pinterest/facebook. I've had this book for a week now and I'm on page 30. Done! Although this was a pretty low blow. I'm going to stop underaiming goals- I mean really. I don't know exactly how much I read, I think a chaptr and a half. I want to be done with this book soon so that I can move on to another.

- Start the post of my son's first birthday recap. I have no idea why in Sam hell it's taking me so long!
Done! And it's coming along nicely :) It's still going to tgake me a while to complete maybe it will be up before he's two.

- Participate in 'Mind Right Mondays' again.
He, he :) Clearly this postis published so there. Dani hasn't posted her own in a while so I don't know if we will be seeing this again.

- Apply for just one job.
Done! and maybe I regret it. I have this amazing story to share plus my reservations with going back to work.

5 out of 6 isn't bad although there was one cheat built in there. NOw, I need to get started on this month's goals!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 Year In Review

I initially said I wasn't going to do this, but alas... here it is. My year in review in pictures.  Some of these events made it to the blog, some didn't. I'm hoping to be able to blog more in the future because I will turn my little space here into a book so why leave anything out?

Now, I'm glad I did it. It was fun looking back on the year past. And just in case you weren't here before you can check out my 2011 year in review.